My nerves are buzzing. I'm sitting in the airport writing this, about to finally depart. Thought I'd throw a few more photos up before I left.

(Maceo Haymes of The O'My's)
The O'My's played a killer show Saturday. I had a Chicago hot dog and a Chicago pizza and went to Michigan and hosted a few reading parties and now I'm fucking-off to Asia for 6 weeks. It's petrifying in the best kind of way.

Maybe it's something I project to the world, but I sometimes feel people see me as a contingency plan. I'm not perfect. No one's fucking perfect and don't trust the ones that seem to be. But my complicity is clear. I let it happen over and over. Ah...feeling taken for granted, the bastard child of feeling relied upon. But, the self-serving of the many make it all the more sugary-sweet to pass some time with the few who matter.
Off I go.

Location:Leaving Chicago
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