Thursday, August 25, 2011

"And with every body that I find//And with every claymore that they mine//I won’t forget who I’m looking for." -The Mars Volta

Tips and Tricks

These are things that have been explained to me over the years that will keep you safe and healthy while travelling, but they really come into solid focus when you're out there, in the shit, with the shits, far from the place you're accustomed to.

1. Protect your feet.

You can buy new shoes, but not new feet. I developed a couple nasty blisters early on that have since calloused over. I dodged a bullet. If they had popped, I might have been a day or two off my feet and that would have been a damn shame. I wouldn't give up a single day I've had so far. Thanks for the warning, Dinah.

Supplies for feet - some blister shit, anti-fungal cream, plenty of clean socks, comfy shoes and a pair of decent sandals for when the shoes become excruciating.

2. Watch the water.

Even swimming can be a calculated risk, but drinking from the tap is like playing craps. No pun intended. Fortunately, bottled water is in the 50 cents per liter range, so there's no excuse but laziness. Don't brush your teeth with the tap, don't eat watery fruits or vegetables (especially if they still have their skin), and watch for soups and street food. The oil can be tainted. Alfie says in China some vendors skim it from the sewers after it  separates from human feces. How good are you at craps? This varies place to place and I gather it's getting better all the time. Ask a local you trust and then trust no one. Basically, expect to have the shits for a while unless you happen to have a very sturdy tummy.

Preventative measures - as I've mentioned, drink some yogurt daily. From what I hear, you can also take acidophilus for a few months before you take a trip somewhere crazy. That's only if you want to get hardcore. Do it how you wanna - just culture up!

3. Watch your back.

Asia is actually pretty safe for the most part, at least as far as violence goes, but be aware the same way you would anywhere. Theft can  be an issue depending on a number of factors, but the biggest factor is just simply your attention to detail and awareness of your surroundings. You know that hopelessly lost tourist you see walking down Michigan Avenue, somehow looking at a map, through his camera viewfinder, and staring in awe at the buildings at the same time? That's you, motherfucker. You're the patsy, you're the pigeon - welcome to Asia, you're the idiot.

Avoid - looking lost, looking rich, looking stupid and looking aimless. These are slightly tougher than they sound.

4. Don't forget to bring a towel.

Douglas Adams was right (if you thought it was South Park, go read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and you're welcome). Be the droog who knows where his towel is. Also, don't forget to bring some toilet paper. It's available everywhere, but it's not "provided" everywhere. If you don't mind using the butt-hose, it's all good, but if you prefer the wipe to the spray then just tuck some away. Duct tape, a flashlight, a good book and a decent camera. Don't over-pack. You'll hate yourself. ABSOLUTELY don't bring a bag you can't carry-on. Makes things so much simpler - especially if you need to go through customs.

5. Don't over-plan.

6. Don't under-plan.

7. When in doubt, become Canadian.

8. Eat and eat recklessly. It's probably tasty.

9. Drink, but drink cautiously. It might be risky.

10. Sleep, sleep, sleep.

11. Wake up and do something you sleepy dick, you're on a trip, not a vacation.

(I found a computer to use, but no way to upload photos right now, DEAL WITH IT!)

Gonna go eat.

1 comment:

  1. Haha this entry brings back some fine (as well as some gross) memories. Have you experienced the Asian version of Montezuma's revenge yet?
